Frequently Asked Questions
The staff of Champ Landfill have collected and answered a number of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in this section. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to submit them to us via email or call 314-291-0887.

Who can bring trash to the Champ Landfill?
The general public and haulers from any location can bring acceptable solid waste and recycling to the landfill. General public hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Saturday from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
Do loads have to be covered or tarped?
For safety and environmental reasons, it is critical to cover or tarp and secure all loads in such a manner that no debris can fly out or become airborne in any way. Please respect the safety of everyone who lives in the areas en route to the landfill as well as fellow drivers and passengers.
What methods of payment does the landfill accept?
We accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa credit and debit cards. Credit card customers must be here 30 minutes prior to closing (3:30PM) to dump.
What are the costs to dispose of waste at the landfill?
For the general public, the gate rate is $324.61 per ton of waste effective February 6, 2023. There is a one ton minimum charge.
Can I bring my recycled material to Champ Landfill?
At this time, Champ Landfill does not offering recycling.
How do I get to Champ Landfill?
Champ Landfill is located at the intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway (Hwy 141) and Riverport Drive.
From I-70 East: Take Exit 231A for Maryland Heights Expressway South. Take a left at the first stoplight (intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway South and Riverport Dr) and follow the signs at the entrance to the facility and scales.
From I-70 West: Take Exit 231A for Maryland Heights Expressway South. Take a left at the first stoplight (intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway South and Riverport Dr) and follow the signs at the entrance to the facility and scales.
From Highway 141 South: Take a right at the stoplight at the intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway South and Riverport Dr and follow the signs at the entrance to the facility and scales.
From I-270 South: Take Exit 20B to I-70 W. Then take Exit 231A for Maryland Heights Expressway South. Take a left at the first stoplight (intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway South and Riverport Dr) and follow the signs at the entrance to the facility and scales.
From I-270 North: Take Exit 20A to I-70 W. Then take Exit 231A for Maryland Heights Expressway South. Take a left at the first stoplight (intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway South and Riverport Dr) and follow the signs at the entrance to the facility and scales.